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ACTION ALERT! Call & Email Your Elected Officials! If the British & Canadians can Ban Child Porn, so can we!
British Cleanfeed


CLEANFEED BLOCK DISTRIBUTION --Search Engine RESULTS and ADVERTISING as well as Internet Provider CONNECTIONS to known Child Pornography Web sites

2004-British CLEANFEED in place in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland):

An editor at The Observer, Martin Bright, published a June 6 2004 article, "BT puts block on child porn sites", on the Guardian Unlimited website presenting a bit of the history since 2004 of British Telecom's "Cleanfeed" Project in which illegal child pornography websites were blocked in both search engine results and denial of connections to any known illegal child pornography websites with "not found" messages being displayed instead results or website connections. Historically, Cleanfeed was conceived by John Carr, National Child Home charity Internet advisor, who, after the successful blocking of pedophile newsgroups, suggested blocking pedophile websites. British Telecom, among the UK ISPs, informed the British Home Office-- equivalent to America's

Federal Executive Branch--that, after initially hesitating to commit, that they had discovered they could successfully also block the pedophile websites. British Telecom (BT) United Kingdom and other Internet providers' Cleanfeed process blocks sites or pages which are on the Internet Watch Foundation's list of known illegal child pornography websites.

Staggering and extremely disturbing statistics pointing out the importance of blocking known illegal child pornography websites appeared on the BBC February 7, 2006 website article, "BT sounds child web porn warning." British Telecom recorded a jump in daily attempts to access illegal child pornography sites from:

10,000 per day in 2004 to 35,000 per day in 2005.

British Telecom, however, does not either log the web browser customers' names or report them to the police, feeling blocking is sufficient deterrence.

The article also stated that there were 6,000 blacklisted known illegal child pornography websites on the Internet Watch Foundation Block LIST.

89% of the UK net users, in a Mori survey, support blocking known Internet child pornography websites according to the March 17, 2005 BBC online article, "Child porn site blocks supported," Also the article points out another shocking statistic, that 90% of the nearly 6,000 illegal child pornography sites are hosted in either Eastern Europe or in the US.

According to the February 7, 2006 BBC News article, "How net providers stop child porn," only 20 of the 6,000 illegal child porn sites were in the United Kingdom; most were in Eastern Europe and the US.

The British Home Office organization, the National Crime Squad's Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NSPCC), like the American FBI, Serious Organized Crime Agency (Soca), delivered it's "..strong message that the Internet is no longer a market for abusive images of children," in the April 1, 2005 BBC News online website article: "Centre to tackle net paedophiles"

Radically reducing the opportunity for Internet exploitation of children for money, etc.

Significantly reducing the risk of accidental or deliberate criminal access to child porn sites, pages.

Internet Child Pornography is not Free Speech, anymore than yelling "Fire" in a Theater or "Bomb" at an Airport, Train or Bus Station! If it is illegal, there should be NO PUBLIC ACCESS!

If we cannot remove these sites, we should, at the very least, be able
to block them and thus zone them to areas outside the reach of our children!

Copyright 2000 -- 2008 Noble Leo Morton III, Tel: (415) 738-6371
Contact: noble.morton@gmail.com