Welcome to www.ZoneIt.org

Civilize the Internet & Save Free-Speech:
Protect Children, Families, Individuals, Workplaces, Businesses & Society!

ACTION ALERT! Call & Email Your Elected Officials! If the British & Canadians can Ban Child Porn, so can we!
US Clean Line Option


US--CLEAN-LINE-Option: Porn-Free Line to Home or Office!
Require Internet Service Providers Offer Customers
Total Block of Pornography at Internet Service Provider's Office
rather than at their Customers' Home or Office Locations.

A. Virtually 100% effective

B. Easy setup, by technician at Internet Service Provider's (ISP)office

C. Difficult to circumvent

D. Less expensive than individual computer software installations...done instead on ISP server

E. Radically reducing the risk of Internet Sexual Harassment

F. Significantly reducing the risk of harm to children, families or individuals

If we cannot remove these sites, we should, at the very least, be able
to zone them to areas outside the reach of our children!

Copyright 2000 -- 2008 Noble Leo Morton III, Tel: (415) 738-6371
Contact: noble.morton@gmail.com