Welcome to www.ZoneIt.org

Civilize the Internet & Save Free-Speech:
Protect Children, Families, Individuals, Workplaces, Businesses & Society!

ACTION ALERT! Call & Email Your Elected Officials! If the British & Canadians can Ban Child Porn, so can we!
Canadian Cleanfeed


BLOCK DISTRIBUTION--Search Engine RESULTS and ADVERTISING as well as Internet Provider CONNECTIONS to known Child Pornography Web sites

2006-Canadian CLEANFEED:

In his December 4, 2006 article "Child porn plan a risk worth taking" in the Toronto Star (on-line) by Michael Geist, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Geist points out a major success of Cleanfeed, namely that a primary purpose of Cleanfeed Canada and Cleanfeed UK is to block inadvertant, unintended access by "unsuspecting Internet users" to the tune of blocking up to 35,000 attempts to access child porn sites by British Telecom customers in the United Kingdom.

Radically reducing the opportunity for Internet exploitation of children for money, etc.

Significantly reducing the risk of accidental or deliberate criminal access to child porn sites, pages.

Internet Child Pornography is not Free Speech, anymore than yelling "Fire" in a Theater or "Bomb" at an Airport, Train or Bus Station! If it is illegal, there should be NO PUBLIC ACCESS!

If we cannot remove these sites, we should, at the very least, be able
to zone them to areas outside the reach of our children!

Copyright 2000 -- 2008 Noble Leo Morton III, Tel: (415) 738-6371
Contact: noble.morton@gmail.com