Welcome to www.ZoneIt.org

Civilize the Internet & Save Free-Speech:
Protect Children, Families, Individuals, Workplaces, Businesses & Society!

ACTION ALERT! Call & Email Your Elected Officials! If the British & Canadians can Ban Child Porn, so can we!
US Cleanfeed


US--CLEANFEED: BLOCK DISTRIBUTION--Search Engine RESULTS and ADVERTISING as well as Internet Provider CONNECTIONS to known Child Pornography Web sites

A. 2004-British CLEANFEED: United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Island)

B. 2006-Canadian CLEANFEED

C. Radically reducing the opportunity for Internet exploitation of children for money, etc.

D. Significantly reducing the risk of accidental or deliberate criminal access to child porn sites, pages.

Internet Child Pornography is not Free Speech, anymore than yelling "Fire" in a Theater or "Bomb" at an Airport, Train or Bus Station! If it is illegal, there should be NO PUBLIC ACCESS!

If we cannot remove these sites, we should, at the very least, be able
to zone them to areas outside the reach of our children!

Zone IT Letter to US Congress: Senate & House Members Jan--Feb 2008
Subject: Enact Law: US CleanFeed REQUIREMENT & US Clean-Line OPTION
Protect Children, Families, Individuals, Workplaces, Businesses and Society!

FIRST: Establish US CleanFeed Law to Ban Public Access to Internet Child Pornography

1. Create FBI-DOJ National Internet Child Pornography LIST.

2. No Search Engine RESULTS to Known Internet Child Pornography

3. No Search Engine ADVERTISEMENTS for Known Internet Child Pornography

4. No Internet Service Provider (ISP) CONNECTIONS to Known Internet Child Pornography

5. Hold SEARCH ENGINE & ISP CEOs ACCOUNTABLE: civilly and criminally, if not cooperating.

6. Limit ACCESS to Known Internet Child Pornography on NEED-TO-KNOW Basis: to courts, prosecutors, lawyers, and police, as well as select Federal, State and Local Agencies.

7. NICP-List Establishment, Maintenance and Distribution: Task the FBI or DOJ to create, maintain, update and publish daily the NICP-List to all Search Engines around the World and Internet Service Providers serving the US and Territories, informing them of their responsibilities to block all known Internet child pornography search engine results and connections to all known Internet child pornography websites and pages.

8. Provide for NICP-List Review Process

9. GEN-NEXT (18 to 34 year-olds) at High Risk of Accidental Exposure to Illegal Sites: Survey 70% of Gen-Next Men and 28% of Gen-Next Women admit at least weekly viewing of pornography! 12 - 17 year-old kids, as the largest consumers of Internet porn, may be at even greater risk of exposure! Source: http://www.safefamilies.org/sfStats.php

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: CLEANFEED began in 2004 in British United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) and in 2006 in Canada. If they can, we can...change we need now!

IMPACT OF PORNOGRAPHY: It is an ECONOMY BUSTER causing the LOSE OF COMPETITIVE EDGE, Depreciation of US Dollar, like foreign gambling. It is part of the present Cyber-War against America:

a. INTERNET LOSS: Fear of and experience with unintended pornography has caused some families and individuals to drop out or forgo Internet connection.

b. COMPUTER LOSS: Some families have even thrown away their computers after initial exposure.

c. STAFF LOSS: Some corporate, small business and government employees have lost their jobs and were even incarcerated due to workplace availability of pornography, legal or illegal…from false or genuine accusations.

SECOND: Establish US-CLEAN-LINE OPTION Law to Require US Based Internet Service Providers to offer a General Pornography Filter Option at the Provider’s Office instead of at the Customer’s Home or Office: virtually 100% effective, easy setup, difficult to circumvent and less expensive than individual computer parent control solutions.

Our organization, along with cooperating organizations, community leaders, families, single moms and dads and other citizens throughout the Nation are exceedingly concerned about the dangers of illegal and legal pornography. They encourage and expect your prompt action, hearings and legislation to initiate and sponsor new law to protect their children, themselves, their coworkers from sexual harassment and their businesses by Cleanfeed banning of known Internet child pornography as well as by law mandating ISPs offer a Clean-Line Option general pornography filter at the ISP office rather than at their customer home or business locations.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this pressing issue.

Noble L Morton

Copyright 2000 -- 2008 Noble Leo Morton III, Tel: (415) 738-6371
Contact: noble.morton@gmail.com