Welcome to www.ZoneIt.org

Civilize the Internet & Save Free-Speech:
Protect Children, Families, Individuals, Workplaces, Businesses & Society!

ACTION ALERT! Call & Email Your Elected Officials! If the British & Canadians can Ban Child Porn, so can we!

Effectively BAN Internet Child Pornography! Protect Families! Reduce Sexual Harassment!

Must Americans lose their Competitive Edge by Disconnecting from the Internet when faced with the risks of Internet Pornography? Or will the Congress immediately pass "Cleanfeed", essential Internet Law blocking illegal Internet child pornography websites, & "Clean-Line OPTION", requiring Internet Service Providers to offer ISP Office porn filtering? Some Families, Individuals and Businesses have literally thrown away their computers or hard drives. Others dropped Internet connections to their homes or offices!

Contact Links:
US Senators
US Representatives
Post Cards

US Capitol TEL:

President George W. Bush
Vice President Richard B. Cheney
White House TEL:
US Supreme Court
US Governors
State Legislatures
Federal Authorities
State Authorities
International Authorities
Coop Organizations
Report CyberTip Lines
Nations of the World
Other Links:
Contact the Media
I. US--CLEANFEED: BLOCK DISTRIBUTION--Search Engine RESULTS and ADVERTISING as well as Internet Provider CONNECTIONS to known Child Pornography Web sites
A. 2004-British CLEANFEED: United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland)

B. 2006-Canadian CLEANFEED

C. Radically reducing the opportunity for Internet exploitation of children for money, etc.

D. Significantly reducing the risk of accidental or deliberate criminal access to child porn sites, pages.
E. Hold SEARCH ENGINE & ISP CEOs ACCOUNTABLE: civilly and criminally, if not cooperating.
F. Limit ACCESS to Known Internet Child Pornography on NEED-TO-KNOW Basis: to courts, prosecutors, lawyers, and police, as well as select Federal, State and Local Agencies.
G. GEN-NEXT (18 to 34 year-olds) at High Risk of Accidental Exposure to Illegal Sites: Survey 70% of Gen-Next Men & 28% of Gen-Next Women admit at least weekly viewing of pornography! 12 to 17 year-old kids, as the largest consumers of Internet porn, may be at even greater risk of exposure! Source Statistics: http://www.safefamilies.org/sfStats.php
Internet Child Pornography is not Free Speech, anymore than yelling "Fire" in a Theater or "Bomb" at an Airport, Train or Bus Station! If it is illegal, there should be NO PUBLIC ACCESS!
II. US--CLEAN-LINE-Option: Porn-Free Line to Home or Office!
Require Internet Service Providers Offer Customers
Total Block of Pornography at Internet Service Provider's Office
rather than at their Customers' Home or Office Locations.
A. Virtually 100% effective

B. Easy setup, by technician at Internet Service Provider's (ISP)office

C. Difficult to circumvent

D. Less expensive than individual computer software installations...done instead on ISP server

E. Radically reducing the risk of Internet Sexual Harassment

C. Significantly reducing the risk of harm to children, families or individuals

III. US--CLEAR-ZONES: Require the creation of Instantly identifiable & filterable Parent Domains for legal pornography & nudity (not medical or sex education): .XXX or .XUS or .XUK .XNationalAbbreviationCodes or .NUD

Make it easier to Filter Soft- and Hard-core nudity & pornography image and text web sites!

Need for & Help with Sex Addition?: American Psychology Association on Sex Addiction

1. Websites:

Organization Websites: Research Results, Events & Services:

-- a. Help for Men







-- b. Help for Women:




-- c. Help for Students: Men/Women

2. Workshops:

-- a. On-Line

-- a. On-Location

Washington, DC Feb. 8--10, 2008
3. Pornography Problem Statistics: SafeFamilies.org 18 to 34 year olds with a porn problem:

28% of Women & 70% of Men

Free Internet Filter Software:

Fall 2006 Campaign Leaflet: Family "Internet Choice" Instant Free Filter Law:

Our ZONEIT SUCCESS: It was unacceptable that for years, in America,
www.whitehouse.com was a porn site!
How many citizens, teachers, children, families and politicians
have accidently typed .com instead of .gov?
We suggested that the X-rated site should be www.whitehouse.xxx to make it
easy to avoid, easy to filter. Eventually, the domain, www.whitehouse.com
was bought out for use as an innocuous advertising site.

ZoneIT asked our visitors to lobby for a change:

Report this problem & solution to the President:
or www.whitehouse.gov
Email to President George W. Bush: president@whitehouse.gov
Email to Vice President Richard Cheney: vice.president@whitehouse.gov

Call, Email or Write your US Senators and US Representative,
requesting them to zone these X=Rated nudity and porn web sites
by US Federal Law and US Treaties!

Protect Children and Families at:
  • Home
  • School
  • Libraries
  • Public Areas

Protect the Workplace:
  • Avoid expensive Sexual Harassment Lawsuits
  • Create more professional work areas

Improve the Economy: avoid lost productivity at the workplace!

Current Zoning:
  • Internet zones: .EDU and .GOV
  • Property zones: Commercial, Industrial, Housing & Red-Light Districts!

Reduce Sex Related Crime & Addictions:
  • Zone nudity and porn sites to make them less intrusive,
  • Less accidental while surfing the web.
  • If we cannot remove these sites, we should, at the very least, be able
    to zone them to areas outside the reach of our children!

    Protect Our Children! Report Child Porn!

    Report Child Pornography, Sexual Exploitation of Children to:

    Other Links:

Comment: Is Internet pornography a new front in a cyber war from our enemies to destroy us by corrupting our youth and fellow citizens, removing them from contributing to the wellbeing and economy of our Society?

Copyright 2000 -- 2008 Noble Leo Morton III, Tel: (415) 738-6371
Contact: noble.morton@gmail.com